Good bicep exercises using a resistance band. Good bicep exercises using a resistance band.

Band Individual Curls

Primary Muscle Group: This is a single joint exercise designed to isolate the muscles in the front of the upper arms in a hand lifting movement, flexing at the elbow.

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Front of upper arms (biceps).

Ball Band Hammer Curl

Primary Muscle Group: Front upper arms

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Biceps brachii (long and short heads and Brachialis

Preparation: Sit on the ball with the band under your feet. Grasp each end of the band in each hand. Extend your left leg straight out and extend your arms fully toward the floor with your palms facing away from your upper body.

Breathing: Exhale as you bend your arms and inhale as you lower back to start position.

Execution: Bend your arms and lift your hands to your shoulders. Return Comments: Beautiful, sexy arms!

Band Curls

Primary Muscle Group: This is a single joint exercise designed to isolate the muscles in the front of the upper arms in a hand lifting movement, flexing at the elbow.

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Front of arms (biceps).

Preparation: Place the resistance band under the arches of both feet. Position yourself with feet hip-width apart, and in the correct standing exercise posture. Keep abdominal muscles tight. Take hold of the handles with an underhand grip, and arms straight by your side.

Breathing: Breathe out as you bring your hands up.

Execution: Slowly elevate your hands in front of you by flexing at the elbow, keeping a strict position with the upper arms locked by your sides. Pause when your hands are at chest height, but not touching your chest, and then slowly straighten arms back down to the starting position, stopping when your hands reach the side of your legs.

Comments: Ensure that your back and upper arms remain still throughout the exercise to prevent any swaying. To make the exercise harder move feet further apart; to make it easier, move them closer together.

Band Hammer Curls

Primary Muscle Group: Upper Arms and Forearms

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Brachioradialis, Brachialis and Biceps brachii

Preparation: Place the resistance band under the arches of both feet and position your feet hip-width apart. Stand tall, tighten your abs and keep your back in alignment. Grasp the handles with a palms-in grip with your arms straight by your sides.

Breathing: Breathe out as you bring your hands up and breathe in as you lower them to start.

Execution: Begin to slowly lift your hands in front of you, flexing at the elbows and your palms facing in. Make sure your upper arms are locked by your sides! When your hands reach shoulder height, pause and then slowly straighten back to start position. This should be when your hands reach the sides of your legs.

Comments: Remember to keep your back and upper arms still throughout the range of motion and don't "throw your weight". If this is too hard, try placing your feet a little closer together. Or, if you need a challenge, move your feet further apart.

Ball Band Biceps Curl

Primary Muscle Group: Front upper arms

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Biceps brachii (long and short heads and Brachialis

Preparation: Sit on the ball with the band under both feet. Grasp each end of the band with each hand. Extend your arms fully toward the floor with your palms facing away from your upper body.

Breathing: Exhale as you bend your arms and inhale as you lower back to start position.

Execution: Bend your arms and lift your hands to your shoulders. Return to starting position.

Comments: Bicep curls with a resistance band gives a better workout because there's a positive and negative resistance.

Ball Band Biceps Curl Intermediate

Primary Muscle Group: Front upper arms

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Biceps brachii (long and short heads and Brachialis

Preparation: Sit on the ball with the band under your right foot. Grasp the ends of the band with both hands. Extend your left leg straight out and extend your arms fully toward the floor with your palms facing away from your upper body.

Breathing: Exhale as you bend your arms and inhale as you lower back to start position.

Execution: Bend your arms and lift your hands to your shoulders. Return to starting position. Switch legs and repeat after completing all reps.

Comments: Because one leg lifted will unbalance you, your core muscles will work harder trying to keep you balanced.