How To Workout Your Curves

Exercises Routines Hits: 8713

A women that is trying to lose weight without losing her curves has to do a combination of weightlifting and cardiovascular exercises. Below is a good sample workout routine for your entire body.

Bonus: Download a preview of "Dangerous Curves" the fitness book for full-figured women. .

Note: Choose a weight that you can do 12 to 15 times for three sets. Make sure the weight is heavy enough to challenge yourself but light enough to complete the number of reps.

You should not do this routine more than 2 or 3 times in one week to allow your muscles to recover properly. You can use the other days as all cardio days or complete rest days.

1. Treadmill

2. Leg Extensions

Sets: 3

Rep: 12

Rest Time: 40 secs

3. Leg Curls

Sets: 3

Rep: 12

Rest Time: 40 secs

4. Lying Leg Press

Sets: 3

Rep: 12

Rest Time: 40 secs.

5. Machine Triceps Pushdowns

Sets: 3

Rep: 15

Rest Time: 30 secs

6. Machine Preacher Curls

Sets: 3

Rep: 15

Rest Time: 30 secs.

7. Back Machine Rows

Sets: 3

Rep: 15

Rest Time: 30 secs

8. Dumbbell flyes

Sets: 3

Rep: 12

Rest Time: 40 secs

9. Stairstepper

How long: 5 minutes

10. Elliptical Machine

Glide for 5 minutes at 125 strides per minute.


Click the image below to printout this workout.

printable full body workout for plus size women.
