This routine is an arm workout you can perform at home. Make sure you warm up for 5-10 minutes before beginning this workout and that you stretch each muscle group properly as directed. Maintain your pace throughout the entire workout with about 30 seconds rest in between sets.
Warm up for 1 minutes walking briskly. After 1 minute, jog until you are to you are fatigued. Walk briskly for 1 minute to recover. After 1 minute, continue jogging. Repeat this sequence until you complete 10 minutes.
Your goal is to build endurance. Eventually you will be able to jog most or the entire 10 minutes nonstop. Every workout you should challenge yourself to jog a longer distance. THE MORE YOU JOG THE MORE CALORIES YOU BURN.
Reps: 3 sets of 15
Execution: Stand with knees slightly bent and feet approximately shoulder width apart. Keep toes pointed forward or slightly out. Relaxing shoulders, hold dumbbells on shoulders or at sides. Stand in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight). In a controlled motion, lower body by bending knees and hips, pushing glutes back. Keep a slight arch in the back. Keep knees in line with toes; avoid turning knees in or out. Keeping feet flat on the floor, continue lowering body as far as possible without compromising form (back arched, abs tight, chest up). Stop lowering before pelvis begins to curl under or back rounds out. While maintaining controlled motion, return to starting position (avoid locking out knees). Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition.
Reps: 3 sets of 15
Execution: Stand in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight) with feet in comfortable position. Keeping arms at side, grip bar (palms down) with hands slightly wider than shoulder width. In a controlled motion, keeping upper arms perpendicular to the floor, curl bar up. Contract biceps fully, without compromising form. While maintaining the controlled motion, return bar to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition.
Reps: 3 sets of 15
Execution: Stand in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight) with feet in comfortable position. Keeping arms at side, hold dumbbells (palms forward). In a controlled motion, keeping upper arms perpendicular to the floor curl dumbbells up. Contract biceps fully, without compromising form. While maintaining the controlled motion, return dumbbells to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition. This exercise can also be done with alternating arms.
Reps: 3 sets of 15
Execution: Hold dumbbells (palms in) and lie on bench in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight) with feet in comfortable position. Position arms perpendicular to the floor. In a controlled motion, keeping upper arms perpendicular to the floor, bend elbows to lower dumbbells until forearms are approximately parallel to the floor. While maintaining the controlled motion, return dumbbells to starting position. Contract triceps fully, without compromising form. Do not allow muscle to relax before next repetition.
Reps: 3 sets of 15
Execution: Bend forward in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight) with feet in comfortable position. Holding dumbbell (palm in), position upper arm parallel to the floor. keep opposite arm stationary. In a controlled motion, keeping upper arm parallel to the floor, extend dumbbell back until arm is approximately straight. Contract triceps fully, without compromising form. While maintaining the controlled motion, return dumbbell to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition.
Reps: 3 sets of 15
Execution: Sit and grasp bar with narrow to shoulder width underhand grip (palms down). Rest forearms on thighs with wrists just beyond knees holding barbell. (You can also rest forearms over bench as an alternative) In a controlled motion, curl wrists up toward forearms. Contract forearms fully, without compromising form. While maintaining the controlled motion, return barbell to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition.
Warm up for 1 minute walking briskly. After 1 minute, jog until you are to you are fatigued. Walk briskly for 1 minutes to recover. After 1 minute, continue jogging. Repeat this sequence until you complete 5 minutes.
Goal:Your goal is to build endurance. Eventually you will be able to jog most or the entire 5 minutes nonstop. Every workout you should challenge yourself to jog a longer distance. THE MORE YOU JOG THE MORE CALORIES YOU BURN.