Close-Grip Bench Press

Target Muscles: Triceps

Equipment: Barbell

Start: Lie on a bench with your head, torso, and hips pressed against it and your feet spread wide and flat on the floor. Grab the barbell with a full overhand grip. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart., remove the bar from the uprights, and hold it with straight arms over your collarbone. Pull your shoulder blades together in back.


Finish: Lower the bar, slowly and I control, to just above your nipples. Then press it u and just slightly back so it finishes above your collarbone again. Stop just short of locking your elbow, and keep your shoulder blades pulled back.

Place your hands less than shoulder-width apart-down about 8 inches-to shift emphasis to your triceps. The narrower your grip, the harder the exercise is on your wrists. Advanced lifters can try this on a decline bench to hit the pecs.

Video:    Male     Female

Illustation of man doing close grip bench press using a barbell. Illustation of man doing close grip bench press using a barbell.

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