A complete list of the best quadricep stretches you can do.A complete list of the best quadricep stretches you can do. All quadricep stretching can be done at home or at the gym. Stretching your quadriceps muscles properly is essential to keeping your flexibility significant. This muscles is important to stretch to take pressure of your back which can affect other muscles. Tight quads pulls your pelvis forward and puts stress on your lower back. It also decreases the range of motion of your hips.

To properly stretch your quads, you must have flexibility in the main muscles of the quadriceps. The four individual muscles-or-heads-make up the front of your thighs. The vastus lateralis forms the outer portion of your upper thigh, while the vastus medialis sits inside your thigh and is responsible for stabilizing your kneecap. The vastus intermedius covers much of the front and sides of your thigh, but it’s not visible since it’s underneath the rectus femoris, the largest of the four heads.  You can stretch your quadriceps with dynamic or static stretches. You should add these stretches to your workouts, especially your lower body routines. 



In a pushup position, pick up your right foot and bring it around until it plants softly right next to your right hand. Simultaneously pick up your right hand and drop your right forearm toward the floor perpendicular to your shin. As you do so, drop your left hip and knee toward the floor. Bring leg back and repeat to the other side.

Quad Stretch Walk

From a standing position, grab your right instep and pull your heel toward your butt. Hold for a second, then take a step and do the same with the other leg. Continue this way until you’ve covered the desired distance. 

Ball Piriformis Stretch

Primary Muscle Group: Quadricep

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise:  Quadricep

Preparation: Stand next to a  stability ball and place your right knee in the middle of the top side of the stability ball as pictured. Keep your back straight and head up and arms straight down to your sides.

Breathing:  Breath out on the contraction of the muscle and breath back in on the way back to the start position.

Side Lying Quad Stretch

Illustration of side lying quad stretch exercise.Primary Muscle Group: Quadriceps

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise:  Quadriceps

Preparation: Lie on your side with your elbow bent and supporting your head.

Breathing:  Breath normally through the entire stretching movement.

Hip Flexor Quad Stretch

Primary Muscle Group: Quadriceps

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise:  Quadriceps

Preparation: Stand with your legs spread far apart with one leg in front of your body and the other directly behind, almost in a scissor type position. Place hands on hips with head and back straight and elbows slightly bent.

Breathing:  Breath normally through the entire stretching movement.

Quad Stretch


The quad stretch is an important stretch to do after any heavy climbing or descending, biking, spinning, jumping, as well as after any quad work, including squats and leg presses and leg extensions. While standing on one foot - you may use any stationary object for stabilization - bend the other knee and hold it back with either hand. Keep both thighs parallel and close, and keep your hips straight. Hold for six seconds, repeat, then switch sides.

Ball Thigh Stretch

Primary Muscle Group: Backs of thighs

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise:

Preparation: Stand with your feet directly under your hips. Hold the ball 1-2 feet in front of you.

Breathing: Exhale as you bend forward; inhale as you rise back to start.