Exercises you can do to work your outer chestExercises that target your outer chest.

Flat Dumbbell Fly

Target Muscles: Chest

Equipment: Dumbbells and Bench

Instructions: Lie face up on bench. Place feet flat on floor to maintain lower back in a flat or neutral position (slight arch). Keep arms vertical and dumbbells directly over chest with wrists straight. Keep shoulder blades squeezed together (retracted) and maintain position throughout entire exercise. Keep elbows fixed, maintaining a slight bend. Avoid bending the elbow joint during the exercise. Throughout motion, shoulders form 90 degree angle to body. In a controlled motion, start lowering dumbbells until upper arms are approximately parallel to floor. Keep elbows fixed, maintaining a slight bend. While maintaining the controlled motion, draw arms up to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition.

Ball Dumbbell Chest Flys

Primary Muscle Group: Chest, abs, thighs.

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Anterior Deltoids, Pectoralis Major, Rectus Abdominus, Quadriceps

Preparation: Lie with your upper back, neck and head supported by the ball. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and bend your elbows in a circular manner to your body.

Breathing: Exhale when pressing hands up in a circular motion as if you were hugging a tree, inhale as you return them to start position.

Band Single Arm Chest Flys

Primary Muscle Group: Deltoids and Pectorals

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Deltoideus, anterior part, Pectoralis Major

Preparation: Assuring that your band is at shoulder height, attach the band to a door or other suitable anchor. Since you'll only be using one end of the band, make sure that the opposite end is secured to an anchor point. Stand with feet hip-width apart with the band on the side that you are working. Grasp the handle of the band with your arm extended out at shoulder level. Rotate your wrist so your palm is facing forward.

Breathing: Exhale as you bring your arm across in front of you; inhale when you return to start position.

Execution: Bring your arm across your front to just past the mid-chest. Maintain a slight bend in the elbow throughout your range of movement. Slowly, return back to the starting position. Your shoulders should remain parallel to your hips, so be careful not to rotate your upper body. Change arms and repeat the same for the other side after finishing all reps.

Comments: To increase the resistance, slowly rotate your body away from the band.

Band Single Arm Chest Flys

Primary Muscle Group: Deltoids and Pectorals

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Deltoideus, anterior part, Pectoralis Major

Preparation: Assuring that your band is at shoulder height, attach the band to a door or other suitable anchor. Since you'll only be using one end of the band, make sure that the opposite end is secured to an anchor point. Stand with feet hip-width apart with the band on the side that you are working. Grasp the handle of the band with your arm extended out at shoulder level. Rotate your wrist so your palm is facing forward.

Breathing: Exhale as you bring your arm across in front of you; inhale when you return to start position.