Training exercises that targets your core. Training exercises that targets your core.

Leg Lift Side

1. Start position. Lie on one side, with the bottom arm and both legs straight and in line with the trunk. The head is resting on the bottom arm. The top arm is bent, with the palm on the mat in front of the torso and the fingers pointing toward the head.

2. Exhale. Raise both legs as one unit toward the ceiling, and then lift the legs higher by laterally flexing the spine.

3. Inhale. Lower the legs until they are just above, but not touching, the mat. Repeat the sequence 10 times. Lower the legs to the start position. Perform the same sequence on the opposite side. 

Chest Lift

Start position. Lie supine with the knees bent and the feet flat on the mat and hip-width apart. Interlace the fingers behind the head, the bend the elbows so they point sideways. Tilt the chin slightly down toward the chest.

Exhale. Slowly curl the head and upper trunk up, as shown in the main muscle illustration, so that the scapulae lift off the mat while the back portion of the waistline establishes contact with the mat. Pull in the abdominal wall further, deepening the forward curved position of the trunk.

Inhale. Pause.

Exhale. Slowly lower the trunk and head to return to the start position. Repeat the sequence 10 times. 


1. Start position. Perform rollover with legs spread to get into position with the legs overhead and approximately parallel to the mat.

2. Exhale. Twist the lower trunk so that one side of the body comes closer to the mat. Both legs shift to that side as the trunk and legs begin to lower as shown.

3. Inhale. Circle the legs down on that side, across center, up on the opposite shide as shown in the main muscle illustration, and then overhead to the center start position.

4. Exhale. Shift the lower trunk and both legs to the side opposite that used in step 2.

5. Inhale. Circle the legs down that side, through the center, and up the other side, returning overhead to the center start position. Repeat the sequence three times on each side, six times in total,, alternating sides with each exhale. 

Pelvic Curl

1. Start position. Lie supine with the knees bent and the feet flat on the mat and hip-width apart. Place the arms by the sides with the palms facing down. Focus inward, and consciously relax the neck, shoulders, and lower back muscles while maintaining a neutral pelvic position.

2. Exhale. Draw the abdominal wall inward, and slowly curl the pelvis and lower, middle, and upper back sequentially off the mat.

3. Inhale. Lift the upper trunk slightly higher to form a straight line on the side of the body running through the shoulder, pelvis, and knee as shown in the main muscle illustration.

4. Exhale. Slowly lower the trunk, articulation each vertebra, to return to the start position. Repeat the sequence 10 times. 

One-Leg Kick (single leg kick)

1. Start position. Lie prone, resting on the forearms with the upper trunk lifted off the mat. Position the forearms so the upper arms form an approximately 90-degree angle with the trunk. Hands are on the mat next to each other, fists clenched. Legs rest on the mat straight to the back and together, feet gently pointed.

2. Inhale. Lift both legs about 2 inches (5cm) off the mat. Bend one knee so that the heel comes toward the buttocks with brisk dynamic. See the main muscle illustration.

3. Exhale. With the same brisk dynamic, straighten the bent knee as you bend the opposite knee so that the opposite heel comes toward the buttocks as shown. Repeat the sequence 10 times on each leg, 20 times in total.