Effective exercises to help you strengthen your hams.

Cable Standing Leg Curl

Stand with knees slightly bent and feet no more than shoulder width apart. Place strap around ankle. Stabilize upper body by grasping stationary support on cable machine. Stand in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight). Keep stationary knee slightly bent and fixed throughout movement. In a controlled motion, flex the knee by drawing foot back and up as far as possible. Contract hamstring muscles fully without compromising form; avoid any hip movement. While maintaining the controlled motion, return to starting position without setting down weight or relaxing the muscles. Do not allow the knee to hyperextend.

Band Lying Curl

Primary Muscle Group: Back of upper leg

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Biceps femoris; long and short heads; Semimembranosus; Semitendinosus and Gastrocnemius

Preparation: Attach the band to a sturdy object at floor level. Since you'll only use one end of the band, make sure that the other end is secure. Attach the loose end to an ankle strap and place around the ankle of your starting leg. Lie on your stomach with the band coming from behind your feet. Both legs should be straight.

Breathing: Breathe out as you bend your knee; breathe in as you straighten back to start position.

Execution: Bend your starting leg at the knee until your heel is near your buttocks; pause and then slowly straighten your leg back to start position. After completing all reps, repeat with opposite leg.

Comments: Keep your hips still and your knees together during the range of motion.

Seated Leg Curl - Hammer Strength

Adjust leg pads to contact lower shin just above the ankle. Adjust seat back to align knees with pivot point on machine. Sit in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight). In a controlled motion, flex the knees by bringing feet down and back as far as possible. Contract hamstring muscles fully without compromising form; avoid any hip movement. While maintaining the controlled motion, return to starting position without setting down weight or relaxing the muscles. Do not allow the knee to hyperextend.

Ball Hamstring Curl Intermediate

Primary Muscle Group: Quadriceps femoris, Gluteus

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Buttock, Hamstrings

Preparation: Lie on your back, bend your knees and place both feet against the ball. Your arms should be resting at your sides with palms facing down. Lift your hips and low back off the floor. You will be balancing on your heels (on the ball) and your upper back.

Breathing: Inhale as you bend your knees in, exhale as you straighten your legs out again.

Execution: Now, bend your knees and pull the ball towards your hips. Don't forget to inhale! To make this one a little harder, lift your torso higher until only your shoulders are touching the floor. Extend your legs out again and exhale.

Comments: This slight variation really packs a punch and you'll notice the difference in your glutes right away.