Hamstring exercises you can do using only your bodyweight.Hamstring exercises you can do using only your bodyweight.

Hurdle Jumps with Sprint

Primary Muscle Group: Plyometrics - Lower Body

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Quads and Hamstrings

Preparation: Stand 1-2 feet away from the hurdle. Feet should be slightly wider than hip width apart in an athletic squatting position.

Kangaroo Hopping

Primary Muscle Group:  Quadriceps

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise:  Quadriceps and Hamstrings

Preparation: Get down in a low squat position with your arms out to your sides.

Breathing:  Breath through entire exercise movement.

Squat Jump

Primary Muscle Group: Plyometrics - Lower Body

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Quadriceps and Hamstrings

Preparation: Stand with feet shoulder width apart and your trunk flexed forward slightly with your back straight in a neutral position. Arms should be in the ready position with elbows flexed at about ninety degrees. Your lower body should be positioned with your thighs parallel to the ground.