Good glute stretches you can do at home or at the gym. A list of glute stretches you can do at home or at the gym. 

Your glute or butt muscles is the biggest and strongest muscle on your body. It is made up of the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. Properly stretching these muscles is the key to balancing your body. When your glutes are stretch, it takes pressure off of your lower back. It is important to add glute stretching exercises to your exercise routine.


Supine Glute Stretch

Lie on our back with your legs elevated and knees bent in a tabletop position.

Bring your right ankle over your left knee, resting it on your left thigh. Place both hands around your left thigh. Gently pull your thigh toward your chest until you feel the stretch in your buttocks Hold for 15 seconds, and switch sides. Repeat sequence with your left ankle crossed resting on your right knee. 

Seated Glute Stretch

Sit comfortably on the floor or an exercise mat with your back straight.

Clasp both hands around your right knee, and bring your right foot over your left thigh, resting your ankle on your thigh.

At the same time, bend your left knee and draw your foot inward so that the side of your left foot is resting on the floor, close to the underside of your raised right thigh.

Hold for 15 seconds, and switch sides. Repeat sequence with your left ankle crossed resting on your right knee. 

Glute Knee Stretch

Primary Muscle Group: Glute

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise:  Glute

Preparation: Lie down on your back with your knees bent and arms down around your sides.

Breathing:  Breath in and out through the entire stretch movement.

Lying Glute Stretch

Lie faceup on the floor with your knees and hips bent.

Cross your left leg over your right so that your left ankle sits across your right thigh.

Grab your left knee with both hands and pull it toward the middle of your chest until you feel a comfortable stretch in your glutes

Prone Hip Rotator Stretch

Primary Muscle Group: Glutes

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise:  Glutes

Preparation: Move into a sitting position on the floor and extend your right leg straight and extended behind you.  Your left leg moves in front of you, bending your leg at a 45 degree angle at your knee joint.  Your upper torso should be straight and upright with your arms out comfortably to your sides for balance.

Breathing:  Breath in and out through the entire stretch movement.

Hip Seated Stretch

Primary Muscle Group: Glutes

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise:  Glutes

Preparation: Sit down on flat bench with both knees bent and one leg angled cross the other leg at the knee joint as pictured.

Breathing:  Breath in and out through the entire stretch movement.

Hip Extensor Stretch

Illustration of seated hip stretch exercise. Stretching the hip extensors is important after leg a workout, cycling, spinning, swimming or other activities that use the hamstrings and hip extensors. Hold onto a stationary object such as a door knob. The key aspect of stretching your hip extensor is to cross one leg other the other and sit into that position. Hold this stretch for at least 10 seconds before switching sides.