Beginners Cardio Workout Routines

Great cardio workout routines for beginners. These workouts will give you an introduction to effective cardio exercises.

How to Design a Good Fitness Regimen

A good fitness regimen is a combination of cardiovascular and weightlifting exercises. Your weightlifting should consist of seven to twelve exercises. Make sure to balance your workout to include all muscle groups. For the best results, perform a few exercises for each muscle group.

A complete regimen changes slightly every couple of weeks. Performing the same routine causes progress to decrease. Challenge your body by doing different weightlifting and cardiovascular exercises. If you are walking two miles per hour on the treadmill, speed up to three miles per hour. Change your exercises on each body part periodically.

You must lift 

weights along with cardiovascular exercises if you desire good results. To speed up your metabolism you must increase muscle mass. Some type of weightlifting should be performed at least two times a week. The first example workout is a full body workout that focuses on the entire body. This type of program would be performed three times a week with a day of rest in-between. If you work a muscle group on one day you should rest those muscles the next day. You may also choose to perform upper body exercises one day and lower body the next. When performing this type of program you can lift weights on consecutive days. This program allows your upper body to rest while performing lower body exercises.

Spot reducing- trying to lose weight in one part of your body by exercising that area- simply doesn’t work. If you continue to workout the fat will eventually come off your target area. You may add an exercise or two to target a specific area of the body. When targeting an area, do not NEGLECT the rest of your body.

Every workout should be designed to fit your needs and goals. Take into consideration any health issues you may have.

Beginners Cardio Workout Schedule

This cardio workout schedule is for for beginners. It features cardio exercises that will help you increase your endurance. It is designed for 3 days a week. The key to this routine to try to gradually improve your times on the cardio exercises.

Beginners Cardio Workout Schedule


Day 1

Cardio Workout

Day 2


Day 3

Cardio Workout

Day 4


Day 5

Cardio Workout 

Day 6


Day 7


Beginners Cardio Workout

1. Treadmill

Walk/Jog for 15 minutes

2. Upright Bike

Ride for 10 minutes

3. Elliptical

Glide for 10 minutes

4. Crunches

2 sets of 20









Great Cardio Workout for a Beginner

If you are a beginner, here is a great cardio workout routine to try. This workout will give you an effective introduction to cardiovascular exercises.


Cardio Workout Routine 




Warm up for 5 minutes by walking 3.4 MPH. After 5 minutes Jog at 4.7 MPH for the remainder of the time. If you become fatigued, decrease your speed and walk for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, increase speed to a slow jog. Repeat as required.

Time: 15 Minutes




Keep your RPM above 75

Time: 10 Minutes




Time: 5 Minutes

Keep your strides above 125